A deployment is the placement of a camera at a location (latitude, longitude) during a specific period of time. There can be multiple deployments associated with one location.
Create a deployment during image upload
Deployments can be created when you upload images into Wildlife Insights. On the upload screen, you’ll be prompted to choose a project to upload the images to. If you would like to create a new deployment:
- Select the green New deployment button.
- Fill out the New deployment form. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
- Deployment Name* - A unique name for your deployment
- Start date*
- End date*
- Location* - Create a new location or select an existing location from the drop down menu. The drop down menu is populated with locations that have already been created in your project.
- Feature types*
- Feature type methodology
- Camera* - Create a new camera or select an existing camera from the drop down menu. The drop down menu is populated with cameras that have already been created in your organization.
- Is your camera functioning or has it failed?* - Was the camera functioning or were there any issues
- Camera height* - If other, enter supporting details in the supplementary Camera height details field.
- Camera angle* - What angle was the camera set
- Bait type* - The type of bait used with the camera, if any. Note: there is also a project level Bait type entry. If you enter Bait type= None at the project level, you cannot enter any bait type for any deployment within that project. If you would like to enter a bait type in a deployment, you must change the Bait type entry in project details.
- Subproject - If the deployment belongs to a subproject, you can assign the subproject here.
- Quiet period setting* - If the camera was set to trigger at a given interval, you can specify the time interval (in seconds) here.
- Remarks - any other note about the deployment
*Note - these remarks are not available in the download from Wildlife Insights.
Create a deployment in Project Details
You can also create a deployment or several deployments before you begin uploading images. To create a deployment in Project Details:
- Navigate to Project Details tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- You’ll find a table of Camera Deployments.
- Click on the green New deployment button
- Enter fields required
- Click the white Create button to create a new deployment
Edit an existing deployment
To edit an existing deployment, click the green Edit button to the right of any deployment record.
Once your edits have been made, click on Save Changes to save your edits.
Search for a deployment
Search for a deployment by name by typing in criteria in the search box in the right hand corner of the deployments table. You can clear the selection by clicking on the X.
You can also filter deployments by date range. Enter in a start date and end date by highlighting the date and typing in the desired date. Or use the popup calendar to select a date range. You can clear the selection by clicking on the X.
You’ll see the number of results that match the search/filter criteria appear next to the New Deployment button.
Sort deployments
There are a variety of ways to help you sort and filter your deployments. Simply click on the arrow next to a column header to sort by that column.
You can sort by:
- Name
- Start date
- End date
- Location name
The column that is being used to sort deployments will display a green arrow next to the column header. You can sort by ascending or descending criteria.
Bulk deployment uploads
You can create many deployments with just a few clicks by simply uploading a csv template with the required information.
You can begin recording deployment information in a blank template as you set cameras out. Then, once you’re ready to upload images you can save time by creating all your deployments in bulk! Download a blank deployment template.
Before you upload a bulk deployment template, please remember to:
- Delete rows 2-6. These rows provide guidelines for how data should be input.
- Row 3 details whether a field is required or not. Enter values for all required fields.
- Row 5 details whether there is a default value. If a default value is noted, please enter the default value even if the field is not required.
- Row 6 details the values that are accepted for a given field.
Deleting a deployment
Deployments may be deleted if they are the result of an upload issue. To delete a deployment:
- Navigate to the deployment table
- Find the deployment to be deleted
- Click the Delete button next to the deployment to be deleted. If the button is disabled, the deployment is no longer eligible to be deleted.
Once a deployment is deleted, all of the images will be deleted from your project. The Location and Camera associated with the deployment will remain in your project.