Organization overview
Organizations house all of your projects, data and team members in a single place. Within an organization you can create projects and begin uploading data.
Navigating the Organization workspace
Summary tab: The Organization summary tab displays a map of all locations, an overview of data within that organization, and a list of projects.
Details tab: This is where you can edit organization details including the organization name, contact information. This is also where you can add and edit Camera details (required fields).
Identify tab: All data uploaded to Wildlife Insights through the web-based upload will show up in the Identify tab. These images have passed through the AI model and are ready for a user review. You’ll see all of the organization’s unreviewed images here.
Catalogued tab: All of the data that has been reviewed by a user will be stored in this section. Data from all of the projects within the organization will be shown here. To see data from a specific project, go to the Catalogued tab within that specific project.
Download button: You can easily download all of the data from the entire organization by clicking on this button and selecting “Request data”.
User Permissions button: This button will open a screen where you can invite users to join your organization.

Create an Organization
To create a new organization, you can:
1) Open the “Projects List” tab on the left side of the screen and select the “Add new” button at the bottom of the tab. Select “New organization”. See image on the left for an example.
2) You can navigate to the homepage from anywhere in the platform by clicking on the “Manage” link at the top of the page. Once on the homepage, you can click the green “Create” button underneath the large green #1 and select “New organization”. See image on the right for an example.
Either method will bring you to a blank New Organization page. Fill out the form, making sure to fill out all required fields marked with an asterisk. Click save to create the new organization.

Edit an organization
You can add organization details and change the organization name by navigating to the Organization Details page. This can be found by opening the “Projects List” tab on the left side of the screen or by scrolling down the main page to the area below “Project Name” and clicking the organization name. Once on the Organization page, you can navigate to the “Details” tab to edit your organization information.

Join an existing organization
If you would like to join an existing organization/project, you must have an approved Wildlife Insights account and be invited to the organization by the Organization Owner or Editor.
Invite a team member to an organization
To add a team member to your organization, go to the organization summary page. Once you’re on the organization summary page, you can invite team members by selecting the green people icon button, located on the right side of the screen. This will open a “User’s permissions” box. Enter your team member’s email, select a role, and click “Invite”. If your team member has an approved Wildlife Insights account, you’ll see their name in the permissions list.

Remove a user from an organization
You can remove any user from an Organization, project or initiative and revoke their access to that entity by opening the User Permissions box and selecting “Revoke”. When someone is removed from an Organization all of the data uploaded by that user will remain in the Organization.
Create and manage camera details
Wildlife Insights requires each deployment to be associated with a camera. You can manage camera metadata in the Organization Details tab. Scroll to the bottom of the Details tab and select “New Camera” to create a new camera. Enter all required fields, which are marked with an asterisk. You can edit this information at any time by returning to this page and selecting “Edit” next to the camera name. Visit the Wildlife Insights Glossary to learn more about the fields in this form.